If you wish to organize your own scientific
conference, feel free to contact us.
conference, feel free to contact us.
What is the SCIEMCEE system?
SCIEMCEE connects the needs of the modern-day academic environment with accessible, high-quality and high-speed information about a scientific research topic, with all the options offered by the latest information technology.
The system supports interdisciplinary and international participation in scientific meetings in order to improve science and research connectivity.
The principle behind the system lies in the creation of a unified point presenting a collection of all the yearly proceedings from a wide variety of virtual conferences containing validated (reviewed) conference articles. SCIEMCEE therefore allows several different conferences to run in parallel, enabling participants to present the results of their work.
SCIEMCEE is essentially a kind of virtual conference building which can be used to hold science conferences. At the end of an online scientific meeting, the results are always made available to the general scientific community and the lay public.
Global Virtual Conferences
SCIEMCEE connects the needs of the modern-day academic environment with accessible, high-quality and high-speed information about a scientific research topic, with all the options offered by the latest information technology.
The system supports interdisciplinary and international participation in scientific meetings in order to improve science and research connectivity.
The principle behind the system lies in the creation of a unified point presenting a collection of all the yearly proceedings from a wide variety of virtual conferences containing validated (reviewed) conference articles. SCIEMCEE therefore allows several different conferences to run in parallel, enabling participants to present the results of their work.
SCIEMCEE is essentially a kind of virtual conference building which can be used to hold science conferences. At the end of an online scientific meeting, the results are always made available to the general scientific community and the lay public.
Advantages of SCIEMCEE scientific conference participating

- Minimises the cost of participating in a conference
- No need to travel to the conference venue
- Participants can attend conferences at a time which best suits them
- Conferences can be attended by participants from distant countries
- Access to up-to-date and complete conference articles
- Overview of participants and progress on the topic
- Contacts exchanged amongst all participants

Advantages of SCIEMCEE system

- Minimises the cost of organising a science conference
- Respects Open Access and Open Science approaches
- Assistance preparing online scientific meetings
- 24/7 support for conference organisers
- Unified conference management system
- Procedural review processes
- Science conferences are organised and run more efficiently
- Includes all the steps needed to hold a science conference (from the conference invitation to the conference proceedings)

Need help? Feel free to contact us: info@sciemcee.org.
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