of introducing a systematic, integrated approach to the formation and implementation
of the basic principles of sustainable development on the basis of modern scientific and
methodological substantiation at the national level.
The development of the program is impossible without an objective assessment
of the current state of sustainable development and its constant monitoring in terms of
its implementation.
An essential part of the mentioned programme should be a section devoted to the
sustainable development of agricultural land use in Ukraine. This sector is still in a
state of reforming and needs to take into account the principles of sustainable
development, aimed at solving national, regional and global problems of land resources
protection. The fulfillment of the tasks of monitoring and evaluation of the state of
sustainable development of agricultural land use is an important part of the strategic
planning of Ukraine's transition to sustainable development and its integration into the
European and world community.
Discussion. The current legislation stipulates that monitoring of the natural
environment in Ukraine, including land, should be carried out in accordance with the
principles of the State Target Environmental Programme for Environmental
Monitoring, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers Decree on December 5, 2007 No.
1376 [3]. According to the programme, in order to ensure monitoring, it is necessary
to identify information needs, to create a system for assessing the state of the
environment, to develop monitoring programmes at various levels, to monitor, collect,
process and analyze monitoring data and evaluate information, prepare conclusions and
proposals based on it. The programme envisaged the creation of the unified
methodological monitoring of the relevant directions, which should have been
implemented in a single network by all subjects of the monitoring system during
Despite the total funding for the programme, which amounted to 152.3 million
UAH (all funds from the state budget of Ukraine), a single observation network, as
well as special networks of cross-border and background monitoring at the national
level, have not been created.
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