Mykola Babych
PhD, assistant professor, The doctoral student of the Business Economics
Department, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Mykolayiv
Introduction. On September 2015 the 193 Member States of the United Nations
adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It includes 17 Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets that will guide the actions of governments,
international agencies, civil society and other institutions over the next 15 years.
Latitude and multi-components of the 17 SDGs and their 169 targets pose an important
question about the creation of a functioning framework monitoring system. The UN
Statistical Commission, mandated by the UN General Assembly to select the indicators
to monitor the 2030 Agenda, had to face the dilemma of ensuring that the total number
of SDG indicators was limited, while simultaneously ensuring that it did not alter or
reshape the Agenda.
International agencies have an important role to play in global reporting, as they
are not only responsible for collecting data from national sources and aggregating them
at sub-regional, regional and global levels ensuring their comparability, but also for
producing annual global progress reports for the SDG targets under their mandate, for
further improving the methodology of certain SDG indicators, and for contributing to
strengthening the statistical capacity in countries to produce SDG data.
Discussion. Theoretical and practical aspects of food security problem and its
monitoring are considered in works of many domestic and foreign scientists, including:
V. Vlasov, L. Glubish, V. Butov, V. Nemchenko, V. Myrdac, etc.
In Ukraine has formed a system of indicators and ratios for studying the food
security state, but the development and formation of the monitoring of food security
system at global level is not complete and needs the further improvement.
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