The bandwidth depends on many factors and has its own specifics in countries
with strong economy and in the developing countries. In countries with a well-
developed and well-diversified economy, tourism can play a significant role in
economic development, but not to be a determining factor for it and not to exert such
a strong influence on the developing countries.
According to the UNWTO classification, developing countries relate to
countries that hosting tourists mainly from industrialized countries. The specificity of
tourism development in developing countries lies in point where national (domestic)
tourism is practically absent, and the tourism industry in them is definitely aimed at
satisfying external demand. In the 60's and 70's, tourism development in developing
countries was seen as a "miraculous chance" of solution the most acute socio-economic
problems. It was assumed that by supplying the recreational resources to the world
market, developing countries will be able to quickly obtain currency, create new jobs,
diversify and modernize the economy. However, in some countries, the tourist
bandwidth has been below real load and there have been some negative consequences
– economic, social and environmental.
Of course the ecological status of tourist destinations is the leading point in
determining the allowable load. Numerous tourists’ surveys suggest that among the
motives of a tourist trip, the aspiration of people to communicate with nature is
increasingly being put forward.
Our scientists developed the standard of loading for various natural objects and
complexes, according to which the anthropogenic damage is absorbed due to their
assimilation potential (Table 1).
According to preserving all types of tourist resources and to prevent serious
environmental problems it is necessary to calculate the bandwidth of all monuments
and tourist objects. Such calculations allow to limit tourists' access to protected natural
objects (parks, nature reserves, etc.), as well as in museums, galleries, cathedrals,
temples, etc.
In order to assess the bandwidth of a tourist destination, the following indicators
are required:
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