to the principles of sustainable development; measuring progress in achieving
sustainable development at the local level; partnership [11].
In the same document a significant place is devoted to ecological management
as an important priority of management activity in all spheres of economy.
Environmental management in tourism is defined as the organization and processes’
management which are aimed at the implementation of environmental goals, projects
and programs in tourist trips, excursions, tourist complexes, zones and recreational
areas. The system of environmental legislation and control over the fulfillment of its
requirements are formed by: environmental act (1990); Standard of ecological
management systems BS7750 (1992); ISO 9000; Environmental Management and
Audience Schemes (EMAS) (1995); ISO 14000.
The international organizations that make a significant contribution to the
promotion of the ideology of sustainable tourism development included:
1. United Nations (UN) and its structures – UNESCO, UNEP (United Nations
Environment Program), UNDP (United Nation Development Program), IUNC
(International Union for Nature Conservation);
2. International organizations that finance the programs of the environmental
tourism development - the World Bank for Reconstruction and Development, WWF
(World Wide Fund for Nature), Global Environment Facility;
3. Specialized ecotourist’s organizations – International Community of
Ecotourism (USA), Community Promotion of Adventure Tourism in the USA, World
Tourism Organization.
Monitoring tasks:
- collection and analyzing the environmental- economic information about the
state of the territory, that acts as the object of tourist’s interest;
- preparation of a cartographic geoecological basis of monitoring – allocation of
objects and key sites for conducting the monitoring observations;
- systematic collection of primary environmental information which
characterizes objects’ state;
- building the information database, obtained on regular observations.
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