3. According to the principle of economic viability:
- increasing the effectiveness of the tourism resources using through the
implementation of innovative resource-preserving technologies and materials,
reduction costs by reducing energy, water consumption and amount of waste;
- improving the quality and competitiveness of the tourism product. The use of
new environmentally sound technologies in the pursuit of tourism can be a powerful
argument in the global tourism market’s competition;
- the management of tourist flows in order to reduce the pronounced seasonality,
the expansion of the tourist season, more effective distribution of tourist flows, both in
time and space, is undoubtedly beneficial not only from the environmental, but also
from an economic point of view;
- developing and application of various activities which aimed at improving the
certification and labeling of tourist services and products. The development of a
certification system for enterprises, that applying sustainable development approaches,
provides additional competitive advantages in the world market.
There are factors that stimulate the tourism industry to evolve according to the
concept of sustainable development. These factors are: increasing regulatory pressure;
growing awareness of cost reduction when appropriate resources’ consumption; tourist
services’ organizations aware that environmental quality is a necessary indicator of
competitiveness; government and organizations’ understanding that tourism
development has a negative impact on the environment; growing public awareness
about the possibilities of influencing on tourism policy; priority directions of
sustainable tourism development.
In the “Agenda 21. For the travel and tourism industry” nine priority directions
of the national tourism administrations work were identified: evaluation of the
compatibility of the existing tourism infrastructure with a view to ensuring sustainable
tourism; evaluation of economic, social, cultural and natural components of the tour
companies’ development; education and public understanding of sustainable
development processes; information exchange; developing tourism products according
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