Natalija Korzh
Dr. of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Management
and Administration, Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economic of KNUTE, Vinnytsia
Introduction. In a market economy, the problem of economic sustainability is
relevant for the harmonization of relations between three structural subsystems -
human, economics and the environment. Scientific and socio-economic progress has
led to accelerated development of tourism. That’s why, in places visited by tourists
massively, there are serious problems in sphere of ecology, culture and social
Particularly, the development of tourism leads to problems relating to the socio-
cultural sphere. Tourism has a double impact on culture. On the one hand, it helps to
save it, but on the other - it helps to deprive its basis. In many developing countries the
local community adapts to the demands of tourists without loss for their religion and
culture. Conditions are created in which ethnic models of aboriginal lifestyle can be
shown to tourists without interfering in their private lives.
With the development of tourism conflicts in using of such resources like water
and land appear. These problems are most acute in coastal zones, where a large part of
population is concentrated and where tourist’s objects can prevent the development of
local fishing and agriculture. For example, in the Mediterranean Sea, where water
resources are limited, tourists spend 200 liters of water per day. A serious socio-
economic problem of tourist’s development is the increase of criminalization (the
presence of a large number of expensive tourist’s items: cameras, phones, jewelry
amidst poor living standard of local population instigate robbery and more serious
1. The essence and importance of sustainable tourism. According to well-
known American scientist H. Daley, the abidance of sustainable development
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