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- Defining Gender (1450-1910): Five Centuries of Advice Literature Online: A collection of original documents relating to Gender Studies, sourced from libraries and archives around the world.
- Derwent Innovations Index (1963-): Provides access to more than 14,800,000 patents with links to cited and citing patents, cited articles, and full-text patent data sources.
- Digital Commons Network: Scholarship from hundreds of universities and colleges, providing open access to peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work.
- Digital Resource Commons(incorporating Digital Media Center): A statewide platform that enables institutions to save, discover and share, free of charge, the instructional, research, historic and creative materials produced by the University System of Ohio and Ohio's liberal arts colleges.
- Dissertation Abstracts (ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A & I) (1861-): Index to doctoral dissertations and master's theses from North America and Europe.
- EBSCO eBook Collection (formerly netLibrary): Current electronic books (e-books) on many academic subjects.
- EBSCOhost Research Databases: Menu of databases provided through EBSCO Publishing.
- ECONLIT: Provides indexing and some abstracts of the literature of economics as found in journals, books, and collective volumes. Topics include economic development, forecasting, and history; fiscal and monetary theory; business and public finance; healthcare, regional and urban economics, and more.
- Economia y Negocios (early 1980s-): Contains more than 60,000 records, dating back to the early 1980s, providing coverage for over 200 Spanish and Portuguese-language periodicals in the areas of business and economics.
- Education Full Text (EBSCOhost)(1983-): Covers contemporary education issues.
- Education Research Complete: Provides access to full text education journals and also covers areas of curriculum instruction as well as administration, policy, funding, and related social issues.
- Educational Directories: Online versions of Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Educational Curriculum and Methods, Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Educational Psychology and Administration, & Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Educational Technology.
- Electronic Journal Center: Full text of 6000+ research journals.
- Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center (2001-): Online theses and dissertations from Ohio graduate students.
- Energy Citations Database (1948-): Includes bibliographic records of literature in energy-related disciplines such as chemistry, physics, materials, environmental science, geology, engineering, mathematics, climatology, oceanography, and computer science. It includes citations to report literature, conference papers, journal articles, books, dissertations, and patents. Updated regularly.
- Engineering Village (1884-): Provides access to bibliographic databases of engineering research literature, including Compendex, as well as to patents, standards and handbooks. Databases include Compendex, Ei patents (U.S. and European patents), GEOBASE, NTIS (National Technical Information Service), and Referex (electronic books)
- English Short Title Catalogue: Lists over 460,000 items from the collections of the British Library and over 2,000 other libraries published between 1473 and 1800.
- Environment Complete: Contains all of the content available in Environment Index, as well as full text for 400 of the most used journals in the discipline, as well as full text for 80 monographs.
- ERIC (EBSCOhost Interface): Educational Resources Information Center. EBSCOhost Interface. Index and abstracts of articles, books, and documents covering education research and practice. Provides full-text for some ERIC documents.
- ERIC (Public Access Interface): Educational Resources Information Center. Public Access (.gov) Interface. Index and abstracts of articles, books, and documents covering education research and practice. Provides full-text for some ERIC documents.
- Ethnic NewsWatch (1990-): Access to full text of newspapers published by and for minority and native ethnic groups. Includes articles, editorials, columns, reviews, etc. to provide a broad diversity of perspectives and viewpoints.
- European Views of the Americas: 1493-1750: Contains more than 32,000 entries and is a comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750. It covers the history of European exploration as well as portrayals of native American peoples. A wide range of subject areas are covered; from natural disasters to disease outbreaks and slavery.
- Evidence Based Medicine Review: Provides content from two databases: Cochrane database of systematic reviews, and Best evidence, a database containing all the articles from ACP journal club and the articles from Evidence-based medicine.
- Expanded Academic ASAP (1980-): Index to citations in 1,000 journals with full-text access to almost 900 journals. Covers primarily humanities and social science subject areas at the undergraduate level.
- Films on Demand: Access streaming videos via Films on Demand. Users may access videos directly, as well as create personal accounts to save favorites and create play lists.
- Film & Television Literature Index with Full Text: Covers the literature about television and film writing and provides cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for more than 270 publications (and selected coverage of more than 300), as well as full text for more than 70 journals and nearly 50 books.
- FIRST (Facts on International Relations and Security Trends): Offers researchers, politicians and the media an authoritative and structured factual reference system on international relations and security trends. It contains high-quality, up-to-date and clearly documented information in areas such as:conflicts, arms transfers and military expenditure, hard facts on states and international organizations, economic and social statistics and
- Fuente Academica: This multi-disciplinary database provides full text for 260 scholarly Spanish language journals.
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